
Showing posts from June, 2013

How to turn a date into a month with Google Spreadsheets ?

Although daily events like sales or customer interactions happen on a daily basis, it's nice to get a monthly graphical perspective .  In order to build those nice graphs and monthly trends, you will need to get the month from your daily dates in a nice automated way.  In this article, we are exploring various ways in which you can transform your dates in month and more with Google Sheets. 1. The month() and year() functions The month() function displays the month number from a given date, while the year() function returns the year. You can see below how this works for months (dates are in dd/mm/yyyy). 2. Combining content with the ampersand (&) character The formula to get the year is =year(A2). If we want to combine in one single cell the year and the month, we can do this easily with the ampersand character. Combining year(A2) and month(A2) alone works, but the result is 20121 (which is not very intuitive).  To make our date clearer, we a...

How do you import or exchange data from one sheet to another with Google Sheets (Part 1)

In this post, we explore how you can share data betwen Google Sheets, first within tabs in a spreadsheet and then across several spreadsheets. Accessing the value of a cell on sheet #1 from sheet #2 Sharing data between sheets is very easy and usually consistent whichever software you use:  if you have a sheet called "facts" and you want to insert the value of cell C2 from "facts" into "Sheet2", select a cell in Sheet2, type = and then  =facts!C2 . Most of the time, you won't even need to type anything beyond = as Excel or Google Spreadsheet let you select the cell in the other sheet with your mouse. However knowing the syntax can help you more creative things. syntax :  the name of the sheet ("facts"), an exclamation mark (!) as separator and then the cell address (column+row). Now that you know how to work between between sheets within the same spreadsheet, you are ready to do the same across spreadsheets.  >> Click He...